Minimum Ignition Energy

美 [ˈmɪnɪməm ɪɡˈnɪʃn ˈenərdʒi]英 [ˈmɪnɪməm ɪɡˈnɪʃn ˈenədʒi]
  • 网络最小点火能量
Minimum Ignition EnergyMinimum Ignition Energy
  1. Comparison and Analysis of Different Testing Methods of Minimum Ignition Energy of Dust Cloud


  2. Dust Dispersion Characteristics in the Devices Used to Test the Minimum Ignition Energy


  3. The study on the optimum test conditions of minimum ignition energy of combustible vapor


  4. Analysis on the Influencing Laws of Sensitive Conditions on Minimum Ignition Energy of Dust Clouds


  5. Study on Affecting Factors of Minimum Ignition Energy ( MIE ) and Analysis on Its Calculation Error


  6. The minimum ignition energy for flammable mixtures containing hydrogen is extremely low .


  7. Pulsed-Laser Blasting for Dust Cloud with Minimum Ignition Energy Determined


  8. A new experimental set-up has been developed using pulsed-laser to blast various dust clouds with minimum ignition energy determined at once .


  9. A mathematical model was set up to calculate the minimum ignition energy based on thorough analysis of combustion mechanism of the engine combustible mixture .


  10. The minimum ignition energy , the maximum experimental safe gaps , the degree of explosion danger and other explosion characteristics were experimentally determined .


  11. Minimum ignition energy ( MIE ) of dust cloud is an important characteristic parameters of dust explosion , which is the basis of dust explosion protection .


  12. Theoretically , the explosion limits , explosion pressure and the minimum ignition energy etc , known as the common explosion parameter , have been dealt with .


  13. A comparison between the energy distribution of electrostatic field and the minimum ignition energy shows that an electrostatic ignition risk may occur due to the discharge from charged isolated conductors , human bodies and plastics .


  14. The obtaining of the distribution of dust concentration along the heights in the Hartmann Bomb provides both the data for the comparison of the measurement and test of the minimum ignition energy at different equipments and the supporting evidences for the verification of the mathematic model of dust explosion .
